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The role of TRANSPORTS PORQUERES in protecting the environment


At Transports Porqueres, we understand that every small gesture counts when it comes to taking care of our planet. Our commitment to the environment is a priority, and we are proud to implement sustainable practices in our daily operations. With a firm focus on reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste, we are determined to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.


Our 2025 Goal: Achieve Zero Paper

One of our most ambitious goals for 2025 is to reach zero paper across all our operations. This means we are working hard to eliminate the use of paper in our offices and administrative processes. Complete digitization not only reduces deforestation and resource consumption but also enhances the efficiency and accuracy of our services.

To achieve this goal, we have adopted a series of measures:

-  Document Digitization: We are converting all our physical documents into digital formats, securely and accessibly stored in our cloud.


-  Electronic Signatures: We implement the use of electronic signatures for contracts and agreements, eliminating the need to print documents.


-  Electronic Billing: All our invoices and receipts are sent electronically, significantly reducing paper use.



Recycling Awareness and Actions

 At Transports Porqueres, recycling awareness is an integral part of our corporate culture. We ensure that all our employees are trained and committed to recycling practices, both in our offices and in our logistics operations. Some of our initiatives include:

-  Waste Sorting: We have waste sorting systems in all our facilities to ensure that recyclable materials are properly separated.


-  Material Reuse: We encourage the reuse of packaging materials and other resources whenever possible, reducing the need to produce new materials.


-  Equipment Recycling: Our obsolete electronic and office equipment is recycled responsibly through specialized programs.


Waste Reduction

Waste reduction is another key area of our environmental commitment. We continuously work to identify and minimize waste in all our operations. This includes:

-  Route Optimization: We use advanced technology to plan more efficient transport routes, reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions.


-  Vehicle Maintenance: Our vehicles undergo regular maintenance to ensure they operate with maximum energy efficiency and minimal emissions.


-  Use of Renewable Energy: We are exploring the integration of renewable energies into our operations. We have already installed solar panels at our facilities to maximize the energy from the sun.


- CO2 Emission Reduction: A percentage of our fleet uses HVO which will enable us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease air pollution. Reducing CO2 consumption by up to 90%.


Support for the Circular Economy

At Transports Porqueres, our commitment to the environment extends to active support of the circular economy. We assist our clients with the transport of materials destined for recycling and resource optimization, thereby promoting a more efficient and sustainable resource management. This not only reduces environmental impact but also contributes to the creation of a more resilient and less resource-dependent economic system.


A Sustainable Future

At Transports Porqueres, we firmly believe that businesses play a crucial role in building a sustainable future. Our commitment to the environment is not just a responsibility but an opportunity to lead by example. We will continue to implement and improve our sustainable practices, inspiring others in our industry to follow suit.

We invite our customers and partners to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable world. Together, through small and large gestures, we can make a significant difference for our planet.


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