Restrictions Catalonia 2018

Restrictions on the circulation of general goods on the roads of Catalonia.
Every year the Catalan Transit Service provides the brochure of the restrictions on circulation, below we detail the resolution of 2018 for vehicles transporting general goods:
Vehicles of all types or combinations of vehicles exceeding 7,500kg maximum authorised mass (MMA) or maximum mass of the combination (MMC), respectively, intended for the transport of general goods, may not circulate on interurban public roads in Catalonia on the dates, times and road sections indicated in annexes B1 and B2 of the resolution.
On the other hand, if vehicles are travelling through Catalonia or on long-distance journeys (more than three counties), they will have to use mainly the network of European routes or the motorways, dual carriageways or segregated roads available. If this is not possible, they may use the remaining road network, avoiding county and local roads.
Calendar Restrictions Catalonia 2018
Annex B1 and B2
For more detailed information, please click on the following link:
Restrictions on the Circulation on Catalonia Roads
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