Saint Cristobal 2019

Last Saturday, 6th July, the Fiesta de San Cristóbal was held for another year.
The festival is held in honour of St. Christopher, a character to whom tradition attributes to have provided services to travellers and pedestrians, becoming their patron saint.
He has been venerated for centuries in Catalonia. During the day, lorries, cars, motorbikes and bicycles pass in front of various churches in the Països Catalans to be blessed and thus enjoy the saint's protection throughout the year.
Saint Christopher's Day in Banyoles is organised every year by the Saint Christopher's Festival Committee. The most important activities of this day are: the concentration in the Sports Pavilion of the Dredge, the departure of the festival commission led by the pendonista, the mass in honour of the patron, the parade of vehicles around the pond, the sardanes in the main square of the village and finally the dinner of brotherhood where the prizes and badges were distributed by the participants.
In the morning, most of the drivers of Transportes Porqueres and their families met for breakfast together and decorated the fleet of lorries. This year we chose to decorate all the trucks with banners and on the lead tractor, and we set up a small stage on the fifth wheel to play live music.
The live music was provided by the company Transnovitx, SL. Transportes Porqueres' transport partner. The owner of Trannovitx, Martin Rodriguez, better known as ex-drummer of Sangtraït, played the drums together with the bass player Toni. This allowed us to liven up the parade around the pond where they ended up in the centre of Banyoles giving a mini concert. Also, along the way, a singer and a flute player were encouraged to take the stage as they were passing around the area.
To end the day, a brotherhood dinner was held with all the transporters of the region. This year, once again, Transports Porqueres won the prize for originality for its trucks and float, but the most important thing was that we enjoyed a day with colleagues and family, with laughter, fun and fellowship.
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