Transports Porqueres, S.A.U. is a company dedicated to the transports of goods by road that operates both nationally and within the European Union. This drives us to the fact that lots of our professional drivers do not spend the night at home and, therefore, they must use the services offered in the service areas. But what should an optimal service area be like? What characteristics would we attribute to them? Are they safe? These are some of the queries that sometimes arise when we discuss the way how our drivers rest.
Hence, below are some of the essential characteristics that a service area should offer in order to be optimal:
- Security. In order to be able to rest and, thus, deal with the resulting fatigue symptoms and drowsiness, drivers must stop every four hours and a half at the most/minimum. If these areas are not as safe as they should be and, therefore, endanger the goods in the truck, the professional driver will not be able to rest without worrying.
- Enough number of parking spaces for heavy vehicles and a large manoeuvring area. There is a huge number of vehicles that make use of service areas, be it goods vehicles or private. Nevertheless, dimensions are enormously different, that is why offering numerous parking spaces is a crucial point to consider.
- An optimal signage. In other words, signage must be clear and correct in order to avoid misunderstandings between trucks and other vehicles, such as motorhomes or buses. What is more, not only are there vehicles but also pedestrians. An incorrect signage, therefore, would increase the risk of accidents.
- Food services. And if a healthy and balanced diet is offered, even better. Professional drivers spend their working day in the truck and, hence, the last thing they would wish is to eat a heavy and indigestible meal.
- Cleaning services. Regarding toilets, it is of the utmost importance to have them equipped with the essentials, such as toilet paper, hand soap and hand dryers. Last but not least, and above all, that a daily cleaning service is offered.
What is more, closer than we can imagine, precisely in La Jonquera, there is a service area recognized as the best one in the European Union, a strategic place regarding France trips.
TRANSPORTS PORQUERES completes daily trips reaching France and the rest of Europe, hence, if you happen to need a good service as regards goods transport, do not hesitate to contact us.
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