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The Moving Floor: The Best Solution for Silage Transport

Silage is an essential technique in modern agriculture, especially for those looking to preserve high-quality forage to feed livestock throughout the year. This process, from harvesting to storage in silos or farms, not only ensures the availability of food in times of scarcity but also helps to preserve the nutrients of the forage, ensuring balanced nutrition for the animals. You will find below what silage entails and how specialized transportation plays a crucial role in this process.

1.What is silaging?

Silaging is the process of preserving forages, such as corn, grass, or alfalfa, through anaerobic fermentation. This method allows for storing large quantities of forage over long periods, maintaining its nutritional value and preventing decomposition. The silage process is carried out in several stages:

a.     Forage Harvesting

Harvesting is done when the crop reaches the optimal maturity point, ensuring an ideal content of moisture and nutrients. Agricultural machinery, such as choppers, cuts and chops the forage into small pieces, facilitating compaction and the subsequent fermentation process in the silo.


b.     Transportation to the Silo or Farm Once harvested, the forage must be quickly transported to the storage site to avoid quality losses. This is where the importance of specialized transportation comes into play. Moving floors, like those offered at Transports Porqueres, are the ideal option for this task.

2.Specialized Transportation with Moving Floors: The Ideal Solution for Silage

Moving floors are semi-trailers specifically designed for the transportation of bulky loads, such as silage. Unlike other types of trailers, moving floors offer a series of advantages that make them particularly effective for this task:

a.     Loading Capacity

 With a capacity of up to 90 m³, moving floors allow the transport of large volumes of forage in each trip, optimizing the process and reducing logistical costs. This is especially beneficial in the case of silage, which is a bulky and lightweight material.


b.     Safety and Stability

Unlike tipping trailers, moving floors do not require lifting the box to unload the content, which eliminates the risk of tipping during unloading. This is crucial to ensure safety in the transportation and handling of silage, especially on uneven terrain or in adverse weather conditions.


c.     Efficiency in Unloading

Moving floors are equipped with a moving floor system that facilitates the uniform and controlled unloading of the forage. This not only saves time but also ensures an adequate distribution of the material in the silo, which is essential for proper compaction and fermentation of the silage.

3.Compaction and Storage

Once transported to the silo, the forage is compacted to expel air and promote anaerobic fermentation. Proper compaction is key to preventing the presence of oxygen, which can deteriorate the quality of the silage. After compaction, the forage is covered with special tarps or plastics to protect it from the elements and maintain the anaerobic environment.

4.Benefits of Silage

Silage is a versatile solution for animal feed, providing a steady supply of nutrients throughout the year. Additionally, it helps to reduce crop waste and improves the efficiency of agricultural operations, making optimal use of available resources.

Transports Porqueres: Your Ally in Silage Transportation

At Transports Porqueres, we are experts in transporting silage with moving floors, offering customized and efficient solutions for farmers and ranchers. We have a modern fleet specifically adapted to the specific needs of forage transportation, ensuring that your product arrives at its destination in perfect conditions and on time.

If you are in the midst of silage season and need reliable and specialized transportation service, do not hesitate to contact us. At Transports Porqueres, we are ready to help you to optimize your silage process with our moving floor transportation service. Contact us today for more information!


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